by Salis Charming
After 8 years in the pole industry, running The Pole Circus, 3 medals and multiple performances like International Pole Con and I get nervous every-time. I tend to sweat a lot and heart races.
If you were to ask our favorite pole stars they would probably agree. They use that nervous energy and turn it into adrenaline to fuel their performance.
But how do they manage that performance anxiety it can really eat you up if you get inside your head and start playing out the worse scenario and self doubt. For me its preparation. When you know the song by heart every note. And you know your routine to the point you could do it in your self. There's a confidence and familiarity that comes with that so when they play your song, your body knows what to do because it has done it a million times before.
Things that can help with performance anxiety
Be prepared. Write it out. Plan and practice till it becomes second nature.
Bring a supporter. Have someone by your side that will make sure you go through with and even talk you out of your self doubt if necessary.
Get enough sleep. Sleep is so important. When our body doesn't get enough sleep it's not able to function at its max potential.
Make sure to eat well don't starve yourself trying to look a certain way we all need nutrients in order to perform and a healthy balanced diet is essential.
Drink enough water if we are nervous sometimes just a simple drink of water can calm our nerves. Most of us don't drink the recommended about especially as athletes and this affects our performance as well.
Just breath sometimes taking a deep breath and thinking positive thought helps a lot. Or meditation before a performance can help if that's something that works for you. It can ground you and help with focus.
In summery if you want to do a show, routine or even show a combo in front of a class it's ok if you mess up. Mistakes are normal and one thing I love about this industry is the support we all have for one another. Messing up in a performance isn't the end of the world especially with live performances its bond

to happen. If you love to perform but get nervous don't worry you fit right in with the rest of us.
-Happy Poling Salis Charming